ICE BREAKER III Leads March Fishing Calendar
By Joel “Doc” Kunz
March is one of my favorite times on the calendar. People who have read me over the years probably know that the combination of college basketball and rivers beginning to run are a big part of my life. Even during the hardest of times, one trip could bring me to terms with the world and provide fuel to make it over the next hurdle. As soon as a drivers license was in hand, my friend Steve Mottle was always up for a trip. Sometimes we’d just run up for a long night of fishing and drive back home to Brookfield without sleeping. Then we started staying at Gene’s Resort until that was sold to the River Boat. So we followed the only Jon boat that could hold my 25 HP motor to Wolf Ridge Cottages. Short, and frequent, fishing trips became family Easters in Fremont. Often, early in the season, John Allie would open a cabin for us prior to really being open for the season. We’d be the only ones there. Soon my friends would join us for Easters or weekends at Wolf Ridge, Larry & Jan’s, Red Banks or the Hahn-A-Lula. Russ Kapitzke would always provide great food, the right beverage and the hot tip at The Bridge Bar and we were ready for action.
Although much older and a little more spoiled as to the fishing and equipment, we are all kids again each March. From women to hoops and walleye fishing, the phone conversations haven’t changed much at all. That is except for the kid and grand kids talk. In recent years I’ve sat on a bucket over the last vestiges of ice and watched the land signs foretell springs arrival and waited for the voices to appear on my phone. Since my moving to the area over 10 years ago I get to fish more, and that’s a good thing. My friends still come up each chance they get. Sadly, the years have shortened the yearly guest list, but each is remembered when the timing is proper.
Hopefully this March will once again renew my spirit and yours. I’ll be night fishing on a sand bar somewhere between Fremont and New London hoping to run in to a bunch of walleye with my new friend Mark or one of the old crew. The soft hiss of the lantern, sounds of nature and a good friend will be there for enjoyment even if the walleye don’t bite, but they usually do. It’s just a matter of being in the right place at the right time and keeping a light jig working at the edge of the lantern light. Inside bends and places off the current line are where the fish are when the current is rolling and the water levels are up. From the looks at the snowfall totals, we are pretty sure to have both this spring. That’s best case scenario for the “up run” and the key ingredient to having a good chance at a trophy fish. High water concentrates the fish into small areas as they pass a corner, doing their best to avoid the majority of the current. Lots of current also draws large numbers of fish up in to the system. So high water means more fish going through a smaller area and your best chance at a legendary year. Come to ICE BREAKER III and I’ll teach you how.
Learn The Keys To Wolf River Country Fishing At ICE BREAKER III
From learning the secrets to night fishing and catching trophy class Wolf River walleye, to tips and tactics from some of the best tournament fishermen to grace the area, we will have it at ICE BREAKER III. I’ll be there providing information on the pre spawn fishing and giving those in attendance everything they need to catch lots of fish during the “up” run plus once again acting as emcee for the panel discussions. We’ve got a great line up of anglers too. Walleye experts include “Axl” Ehricke, Dave Van Oss, Jason Prezkurak and Daryl Christensen plus a number of local guides who will join the panel discussion. We’re adding more system fishing info as we bring the Wisconsin’s Bass Federation Nation State Champion Jim Barczak to the line up. Jim had an impressive year in the bass fishing world with a First place in the FOM Midwest regional, Oct 22, a “Best Team 2007” in the FOM-Wisconsin East Division, a First place in the FOM Fremont, August 25, a First place in the BASS Northern Divisional, Vermilion Ohio, August 15-17, a First place in the Wisconsin Bass Federation Nation State Tournament, Oshkosh, July 21-22, a First place in the FOM Lake Geneva, June 16 and a First place in the Oshkosh Open May 26. Add the fact that he’s a design engineer at Mercury Racing and you’ve got someone the bass guys are going to want to hear from. Joining Jim on the bass fishing panel discussions will be team captain Terry Hilbert and other members of the National Champion Wisconsin State Bass Fishing Team. This is an exciting improvement to the itinerary and gives those in attendance a lot more available information on the GREAT year round fishing available here in the Wolf River Country area.