Well even though we are still in January, area walleye anglers are already looking forward to ICE BREAKER III, March 8 & 9, 2008 at Critters Sports in Winneconne. There, fishing enthusiasts will be able to fill their information coffers with plenty of knowledge as the line up of experts continues to be a major part of the draw for this event. There will be plenty of boats and other items of interest too. Walleye fishing machines from Yar Craft, Tuffy and Triton are sure to be there along with plenty of great deals on all sorts of fishing tackle and equipment. There will be a nice selection of local products in the main hall plus the sports shop will be staffed by numerous reps and distributors. You’ll be able to get all the information you need from representatives of companies such as Marcum Technologies, Berkley and others; plus the best “Sports Show” pricing of the year. That’s an added bonus to the seminars and popular panel discussions that have brought Wolf River Country fishing enthusiasts to previous “Ice Breakers” from all over the midwest.
Thanks to our friends at Yar Craft, our headliner will be another one of Wisconsin’s best young fishing talents, Tommy Kemos. The 2006 PWT Champion, the Yar Craft/ Mercury sponsored Pro spent a great deal of his early career fishing and competing on the Winnebago system. He credits the diversity of methods needed to catch fish here as a big part of his success on the national level. Anglers here can not be one dimensional if they are going to catch fish consistently. Jigging, slip bobbers and trolling methods all come in to play in the formula of open water tactics and structure fishing opportunities available on the Winnebago and Wolf River system. Understanding fish movements, habits and use of cover all come in to play as they transition through the seasons. Getting information from young talents such as Tommy helps everyone in attendance gain insight in to how to game plan and catch fish. Lures, tactics and tackle tips are all part of what we can learn. Tom has fared well when competing on the system finishing 17 and 3rd in the last two PWT events held on the system. Although he has only been competing on the PWT for 5 years, he steady approach and quick entry into the championship cast him as a well known competitor even prior to his win. This is one of those “don’t miss” days and a chance to meet another one of the nicest young men you will ever trade fish talk with.
Here’s another piece of good news. “Axl” Ehricke is returning for a second year and bringing more “bago” fishing information with him. Axl is a well known area guide who also has a radio show that discusses the local fishing scene. Known for being good at working the reefs and other lake structures, he always brings a wealth of knowledge with him that he is quite willing to pass along. Tips on slip bobbers and precision trolling tactics with crawler harnesses, and his popular “Scootchie Rig”, will be a part of what you can expect to take home with you. There will be LOTS more too as the fishing pros in attendance join together at the popular panel discussions to answer your questions. This gives those in attendance good perspective into how different anglers approach the same situation and find success.
Walleye anglers have been having some good days here on the Wolf River and out on Lake Poygan. The rise in water has made for difficult access in many places but those using planks to get to good ice are still finding fish. I’ve even heard solid reports of some limits of walleye being caught on the Wolf River in the low light hours and after sun set. Same on Lake Poygan as some anglers are finding the school of fish and doing well on walleye and white bass. Some days the white bass fishing has been reported as quite exceptional with a 5 gal pail of fish not uncommon. Bluegill have also been doing well throughout the area and some perch fishermen are having success too. The main perch action should be out on Winnebago but the ice conditions have greatly deteriorated with the rain, snow and warm temps. That should change with the predicted cool down and anglers will once again be finding “Friday night dates” in the 9 to 11 inch range to take home for supper. As stated before, strong year classes of perch and good ice access could make for some great perch fishing here on the Winnebago system.
So go out and do a little fishing and keep in touch for news on ICE BREAKER III. If you want information on fishing the Wolf River or Winnebago System, Critters Sports in Winneconne is the place to be March 8 & 9, 2008. For more information on topics such as this and the areas great fishing, make sure to check out Doc’s Wolf River Country.Com Joel “Doc” Kunz is a freelance outdoor writer / photographer published weekly by Outdoor Gazette. His work is also seen in many other Wisconsin and Midwest publications. He is a recent READERS CHOICE award winner and a member of the Association of Great Lakes Outdoor Writers. He is a Pro Team member of Triton Boats, Mercury Marine, Motorguide & Lindy Little Joe.